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Telling Your Side of the Story: Contesting an Order of Protection

We specialize in defending individuals served with orders of protection in Missouri. We’ve published this ebook to help you understand the process, build a solid defense, and protect your rights.


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    With extensive experience handling Orders of Protection and over a dozen of successful appeals, we can guide you through every step, from understanding the initial Ex Parte Order to contesting a Full Order in court.

    0. Introduction

    0. Introduction

    Whether you’ve been served with an order of protection unexpectedly, or you’ve been involved in a situation that led to false accusations, …

    1. Understanding Orders of Protection in Missouri

    1. Understanding Orders of Protection in Missouri

    If you've recently been served with an order of protection in Missouri, you might be feeling confused, frustrated, or overwhelmed. Or you might …

    2. Legal Framework and Your Rights

    2. Legal Framework and Your Rights

    Understanding the legal framework behind orders of protection in Missouri will help you contest them effectively. In this chapter, we’ll cove …

    3. What to Do After Being Served With an Ex Parte Order of Protection in Missouri

    3. What to Do After Being Served With an Ex Parte Order of Protection in Missouri

    Being served with an order of protection can be surprising, stressful, and even make you feel ashamed. But how you handle the situation right f …

    4. Building Your Case

    4. Building Your Case

    When contesting an order of protection, your ability to effectively present your side of the story depends largely on the evidence you gather, …

    5. Contesting the Order of Protection in Court

    5. Contesting the Order of Protection in Court

    Once you've gathered your evidence and prepared your defense, the next step is contesting the order at the Full Order of Protection hearing. Th …

    6. Common Defenses in Missouri Order of Protection Cases

    6. Common Defenses in Missouri Order of Protection Cases

    When contesting an order of protection, several defense strategies can be used to challenge the petitioner’s claims and prevent a Full Order …

    7. What Happens After an Order of Protection Hearing

    7. What Happens After an Order of Protection Hearing

    The outcome of your hearing can have significant and long-lasting effects on your life. Understanding the potential results and how to handle t …

    8. Modifying or Dismissing an Order of Protection

    8. Modifying or Dismissing an Order of Protection

    Once a Full Order of Protection has been granted, it doesn’t necessarily have to remain in place for the entire duration. If circumstances ch …

    9. Moving Forward After an Order of Protection

    9. Moving Forward After an Order of Protection

    Once an order of protection has been dismissed, expired, or resolved, it’s important to take steps to move forward and rebuild your life. Thi …

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