Additional Links
- I Violated My Probation in Missouri: Am I Going to Prison?
- Steps to Take if You've Violated Probation
- How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Protect Your Rights and Future
- Missouri's Rules and Regulations Governing the Conditions of Probation, Parole, and Conditional Release
- Missouri Probation & Parole Offices
- Understanding Probation and Parole for Family and Friends
Probation Violations Lawyer in St. Louis
If you have recently violated the terms of your probation or parole, it is entirely possible that this violation may result in you going to jail. Anyone who has recently broken probation or parole in St. Louis or elsewhere in Missouri should call an experienced probation violation lawyer as soon as possible.
You don't have to go through this alone. Contact one of our defense lawyers today at (314) 900-HELP to protect your freedom.
The sooner you contact the skilled probation attorneys at Combs Waterkotte, the better off your results will be.
No matter what caused your violation, Combs Waterkotte is here to help. We are devoted to delivering a positive outcome for our clients in St. Louis and throughout Missouri. Our legal team explores any and all opportunities to secure one and works diligently to protect you and your family.
Our skilled St. Louis criminal defense lawyers have decades of experience handling probation violations just like yours. We can communicate with prosecutors and judges regarding your particular situation and work to limit the consequences of your probation or parole violation. Be proactive and don’t put your future at risk – contact us today for a free consultation and safeguard your rights and your future.
Why Probation Violations Are Not Uncommon in St. Louis
The St. Louis area has seen an increase in the number of probation violations it deals with annually. More often than not, the conditions of someone's probation are designed to be very difficult to adhere to. For instance, the drug court program requirements in the City of St. Louis require you to call a daily hotline to see if you need to be drug tested, and there's only one location downtown where you can submit a sample. It's also easy to associate with someone not knowing they have been convicted of a crime, and some emergencies may take us out of state before we can ask permission.
Of course, in other cases, you may have simply made an error in judgment. Whatever the circumstances of your probation violation in St. Louis or elsewhere in Missouri, Combs Waterkotte is ready and willing to give you dedicated advocacy and zealous representation.