Can you get an order of protection or restraining order removed from your record in Missouri? Chris Combs and Steve Waterkotte discuss if a restraining order stays on your record permanently or if it can be removed.

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Telling Your Side of the Story: Contesting an Order of Protection
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Episode Transcript
Scott Michael Dunn: Can I have an order of protection removed from my record?
Steve Waterkotte: You can’t.
Scott Michael Dunn: Never.
Steve Waterkotte: No. Currently there’s nothing in place right now. We get quite a few phone calls asking that because, “Hey, didn’t care about it when I was served. Didn’t care about that person.”
Four years down the road – and we get a handful of calls each week about this very issue. Now they went and applied for a job, or they want to drive the school bus, or they want to get a background check to coach their kids.
Chris Combs: Go on a field trip.
Steve Waterkotte: You can’t because of that order of protection. Even though it may not be valid, because typically they are going to be in place for one year. But even after that one year period is up, it still shows, it’s still a red flag that somebody was an abuser, was a stalker, was somebody harassing another person. So it’s a red flag.
There’s major consequences across the board on these things.
If you need Missouri’s leading order of protection defense team to defend your rights and freedom, speak to one of our attorneys today at (314) 900-HELP or contact us online for a free case review.